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Injured/Fallen First Responders Caravan

Sat, Jan 02


EPIC 4x4 Quest

Caravan to support to first responders! Closeout 2020 to remember all those that gave it all and start 2021 with positive thoughts/well wishes and prayers for those first responders out there serving and protecting our communities. Bring and fly your flags!

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Injured/Fallen First Responders Caravan
Injured/Fallen First Responders Caravan

Time & Location

Jan 02, 2021, 10:15 AM MST

EPIC 4x4 Quest, Evergreen, CO, USA

About The Event

No RSVP required just show up if you like to join in. See full details in this section. Updates will be posted here so make sure to check back here before start of event for any updates.

This Caravan will be for all our injured and fallen first responders in 2020 as well as prior. Ultimately show our support of our first responders and all they do and sacrifice and closeout 2020 to remember all those that gave it all and start 2021 with positive thoughts, well wishes and prayers for those first responders out there serving and protecting our communities. Bring and fly your flags! Anyone interest can write names or badge numbers of those that have been injured or lost on our windows. Not able to make it, but would like to have a specific fallen/injured first responder to be represented please feel free to send it to us we will be happy to add to our windows!

Communication will be via radio as follows: Radio frequency 462.575, GRMS Channel 16, FRS Channel 16.

NOTE - Open to ALL makes and models and ANYONE that wants to show support and remember those that gave it all!

Plan meet at the Wooly Mammoth Park and Ride (18560 US-40, Golden, CO 80401). Look for BRIGHT Yellow JLUR and be ready to roll out by 1030am. Will post a specific location in the parking lot in this event discussion as well as any updates, so please make sure to follow the discussion or check there for updates! Tentative route plan: Loop past the Golden Fire Station No. 24 and past the Jefferson County Court House.

Per legalities to meet with/as per county and state covid guidelines... Must maintain social distancing of 6ft, masks are required outside if unable to maintain 6ft distances & required if inside at all times (which we won't be inside). To make sure we are complying, please stay in your vehicle and just pull in behind creating a line.

COVID CONSISTENT: As with the transmission of any communicable disease like a cold or the flu, you may be exposed to COVID-19, also known as “Coronavirus,” at any time or any place. We will use universal precautions and “Social Distancing” as appropriate and recommended during the event. “Social Distancing” nationwide has reduced the transmission of the Coronavirus. While we will take measures to provide social distancing through our event, there could be instances where social distancing is not possible at all times. We recommend that you follow universal personal protection, such as good hand hygiene, maintaining adequate distance, and using face masks when mandated or when you feel appropriate. Despite our careful attention to maintaining social distancing when possible, good hand hygiene and use of personal barriers when required there is still a chance that you could be exposed to an illness during our event, just as you might be at your gym, grocery store, or favorite restaurant. BY AGREEING TO JOIN YOU ACCEPT RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY!

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